Writing an (Overly) Idiomatic Fizzbuzz with Rust

The last few months have been a whirlwind exposure to Rust. It started when I was looking for a systems language to speed up pieces of PyRayT that was more general than Cython, but not C/C++ (which I have my own love/hate relationship with). After reading the excellently written Rust Book I was hooked on the language, using it for a couple CLIs, a webserver, and even going through old Advent of Code puzzles to get more practice.


This is slowly becoming my reply to all things software related

This post isn't going to be a gushing review of Rust (though as 2020's most loved language you won't be hard pressed to find one of those either). Instead, it's sparked from an article I saw on This Week in Rust back in June about writing an idiomatic binary search. The binary search is a well known algorithm, which got me thinking: what's another well known program I could use to practice writing idiomatic code? The answer: Fizzbuzz, the programming puzzle commonly used in interviews to make sure the candidate actually knows what a for loop is.

In this post I'll be starting with a standard Fizzbuzz solution, and polishing it up to take full advantage of all the features and programming style Rust offers.

What Makes Code Idiomatic?

Before diving into the how, it's worth covering what idiomatic code actually is. Outside of coding context, idiomatic means "using, containing, or denoting expressions that are natural to a native speaker." When discussing idiomatic programming, it means the program leverages features unique to the language to accomplish the task. Coming from Python, I would hear this as writing "Pythonic" code (list comprehension, generators, etc.).

Idiomatic Rust should leverage Rust's unique features such as match, traits, iterators, and ownership. Since I'm still learning Rust every day, I use the linter Clippy, to catch common mistakes and recommend idiomatic alternatives!

The Basic Fizzbuzz

The goal of Fizzbuzz is simple:

  • Write a short program that prints each number from 1 to 100 on a new line.

  • For each multiple of 3, print "Fizz" instead of the number.

  • For each multiple of 5, print "Buzz" instead of the number.

  • For numbers which are multiples of both 3 and 5, print "FizzBuzz" instead of the number.

The first bullet screams "for loop" while the next three are conditional (if) statements. With that in mind we'll write our simplest solution relying on a series of if-else statements and the modulo operator.

fn main() {
    for x in 1..=100 {
        if x % 3 == 0 && x % 5 == 0 {
        } else if x % 3 == 0 {
        } else if x % 5 == 0 {
        } else {
            println!("{}", x)

This gets us the desired output, but there's nothing idiomatic about it. With the exception of ..= (specifies a range "up to and including"), none of Rust's unique features are being used. In fact, it looks almost identical to a solution written in Python! Clearly we can do better.

Make Me a Match

If you haven't read Rust Book, bookmark it right away! It's one of the best introductions to a language I've ever read, and explains not just the core language, but the toolchains surrounding it that make Rust so accessible. One thing the book wastes no time introducing is Rust's match operator:

"Rust has an extremely powerful control flow operator called match that allows you to compare a value against a series of patterns and then execute code based on which pattern matches. Patterns can be made up of literal values, variable names, wildcards, and many other things"

โ€”The Rust Book Ch. 6-2

Let's update our basic function to use match instead of if-else. We want to match the output of two modulo operators, if they're both zero we'll output Fizzbuzz, if only one is zero we'll output Fizz or Buzz depending on the zero. and if neither are zero we'll simply output the number.

fn main() {
    for x in 1..=100 {
        match (x % 3, x % 5) {
            (0, 0) => println!("FizzBuzz"),
            (0, _) => println!("Fizz"),
            (_, 0) => println!("Buzz"),
            _ => println!("{}", x),

Now this is starting to look more like Rust! By using match we're able to eliminate a lot of unnecessary brackets and only have to calculate the modulo once, instead of at every if statement. Since the match control flow operates from top to bottom, we need the "FizzBuzz" case to be listed first, as both "Fizz" and "Buzz" also satisfy the (0,0) case.

Getting Idiomatic

The above code would be more than enough to show an interviewer you passed CS 100, but we want to squeeze every possible idiomatic opportunity out of this function, so our next step will be pulling our logic out of the main function and into a trait. Again referencing the Rust Book:

"A trait tells the Rust compiler about functionality a particular type has and can share with other types. We can use traits to define shared behavior in an abstract way. We can use trait bounds to specify that a generic can be any type that has certain behavior."

โ€”The Rust Book Ch. 10-2

Right now we're only going to focus one one small feature of traits: defining sets of methods that can be called on a type (in our case i32). Our trait Fizzy will be simple in that it only has one function (also named fizzy) that accepts a reference to the number and returns a String based on our Fizzbuzz rules.

pub trait Fizzy{
    fn fizzy(&self) -> String;

Trait definitions only declare the methods, they do not define the actual logic. For that we need to implement the trait for our selected type. This is as easy as making an impl for i32 and moving the match statement out of our main function into the fizzy method. Our new program is shown below with the logic separated out into its own trait.

pub trait Fizzy {
    fn fizzy(&self) -> String;

impl Fizzy for i32 {
    fn fizzy(&self) -> String {
        match (self % 3, self % 5) {
            (0, 0) => String::from("FizzBuzz"),
            (0, _) => String::from("Fizz"),
            (_, 0) => String::from("Buzz"),
            _ => format!("{}", self),

fn main() {
    for x in 1..=100 {
        println!("{}", x.fizzy())

It may look like all we did was shuffle around where the code was (and for this simple of a program traits are already overkill) but structuring our logic into a trait allows for flexibility down the road, especially if we have to add more methods to Fizzy or define it for different types (imagine a new Fizzbuzz with letters instead of numbers). The separation also allows us to write unit tests to validate fizzy since it can be called separately from the main function.

Idiomatic Testing???

Unit tests themselves are not unique/idiomatic to Rust. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find a modern language that does not have an extensive unit test framework to tap into. What is idiomatic, however, is how testing is built into the core language and Rust's solution to testing private interfaces.

When writing a class/interface, I'll split complex methods into multiple small methods that can be easily tested, but I don't want those interim methods exposed to the end user. Python makes this easy enough with private methods, prefixing a function with an underscore (_) marks it as private, and most documentation and linters will treat it as such. However, it's actually as public as any other function, so while the IDE might flag a warning when I call the method to test it, there's nothing illegal about doing so (see below).

class Greeter(object):

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    # putting an _ before a method marks it as private
    def _address(self, preamble: str) -> None:
        print(f"{preamble} {self.name}")

    def hello(self) -> None:
        self._address("Hello") # a public interface can call a private method

if __name__ == '__main__':
    greeter = Greeter("Fotonix")
    greeter.hello() # this instance method is public
    greeter._address("Buongiorno") # this method is private, but can still be called

#-- Output --
# Hello Fotonix
# Buongiorno Fotonix

On the opposite side of the accessability spectrum we have C++, which uses its public, private, and protected keywords to strictly enforce what objects and classes have access to those methods. While this is great from a security standpoint, it makes testing non-public interfaces difficult because you either have to (1) accept that you can only write "blackbox tests" that test the interfaces end users have, or (2) create friend classes that wrap the private functions in a public interface, and test that new interface.

Rust strikes a happy medium between the two. You can still declare traits as public or private, and that privacy is not only respected, but enforced at compile-time. However, using the modules system, you can put your tests in a path that has access to the private traits (i.e. they're within the trait's scope).

The most common way to do this is to inline unit tests in the same file as the methods you're testing and wrapping them in a module called test. Apart from this unique layout, writing the tests themselves is similar to most unit-test frameworks. Rust has built-in macros for assertions and tests can be separated into functions to run concurrently. We'll add unit-tests to the bottom of our Fizzbuzz program to validate the Fizzy trait. Tests can by run by running cargo test from the terminal, or "test" from the pull-down menu in the playground.

mod test {
    use super::*;

    fn test_fizz() {
        for x in &[3, 6, 27] {
            assert_eq!(x.fizzy(), "Fizz")

    fn test_buzz() {
        for x in &[5, 10, 20] {
            assert_eq!(x.fizzy(), "Buzz")

    fn test_fizzbuzz() {
        for x in &[15, 30, 60] {
            assert_eq!(x.fizzy(), "FizzBuzz")

    fn test_num() {
        for x in &[13, 29, 98] {
            assert_eq!(x.fizzy(), format!("{}", x))

Generic Traits and Monomorphization

At this point pulling out the above Fizzbuzz will knock any interviewer's socks clean off... or they'll be annoyed that you've spend so much time on such an easy question, could go either way. But we're not here to please an imaginary interviewer! We're writing the most idiomatic Fizzbuzz in the history of Rust, so let's add one more "totally unnecessary in this context but useful in general" feature: Generic Types.

Up until now we've used i32 as the base type for all things Fizzbuzz. It's a safe bet for general integers, having a range of >4 billion, but will it always be the right choice for our program? If Fizzbuzz will only ever use positive numbers, you may as well use an unsigned int. If you only ever need to calculate up to 100, 32-bits is overkill and you're better off with u8. Instead of trying to predict the end use-case, we want to write our trait implementation such that the main function can call it with any integer type, and an appropriate trait method is called.

Rust solves this issue with generics. Instead of defining a function for a specific type, the programmer defines a set of traits that the type must implement. Generics are one of Rust's zero-cost abstractions, and provide flexibility while incurring no overhead at runtime.

To make Fizzy generic to all int types, we'll use the num crate. The trait we want is PrimInt which is a general abstraction for integer types, and Zero which will generate the zero value we compare to. We also need the Display trait from the standard library, which enforces that the type can be formatted into a string.

use num_traits::{identities::Zero, PrimInt}; // 0.2.14

pub trait Fizzy {
    fn fizzy(&self) -> String;

impl<T> Fizzy for T
    T: PrimInt + Zero,
    T: std::fmt::Display,
    fn fizzy(&self) -> String {
        let zero = T::zero();
        let three = T::from(3).unwrap(); // These will never fail
        let five = T::from(5).unwrap();
        match (*self % three, *self % five) {
            (x, y) if x == zero && y == zero => String::from("FizzBuzz"),
            (x, _) if x == zero => String::from("Fizz"),
            (_, x) if x == zero => String::from("Buzz"),
            _ => format!("{}", self),

fn main() {
    for x in 1..=100 {
        println!("{}", x.fizzy())

Notice how we can no longer use integers in fizzy, but instead have to convert them to our generic type within the function. Fortunately the compiler optimizes this out and replaces them with constants in the final code. This is also a case where its acceptable to use unwrap without fear of causing a panic at runtime. Since T implements PrimInt we know a conversion from integers to T will never fail.


/u/TinBryn pointed out that that type bounds I picked were unnecessarily complex due to Rust's super traits system. A type implementing PrimInt implies it also implements Zero and Copy, and Copy implies Clone. Ultimately all we need to include is where T: PrimInt + std::fmt::Display to get the same functionality.

Going off the Deep End

We did it, we wrote an amazing Fizzbuzz leveraging a slew of Rust's unique features! But we also cheated slightly... The rules of the game asked us to print the result of the fizzbuzz check, but to enable testing we return a String that's printed in the main loop. We can trim down this waste of a whopping 72 bytes of memory by having fizzy write directly to an IO stream! The easiest solution would be to have our function call the println! macro directly, but then we can no longer test our function. Instead, We'll borrow a tip from the Rust CLI Book (different than The Rust Book, but equally as good) where we pass a mutable reference to a Writer handle. In the main loop that handle will point to stdout, but for testing it will be a vector that we can compare to the expected output.

This requires a couple modifications to our fizzy function:

  1. We need to replace all the match statement arms with writeln! macro calls.

  2. Since writeln! can fail we need to modify the signature of fizzy to return a std::io::Result enum, allowing us to squeeze in yet another idiomatic feature: Error Types!

We also want to be able to catch the error in the main function. so we'll replace the for loop with an iterator, and consume it with a try_for_each method.

use num_traits::{identities::Zero, PrimInt}; // 0.2.14
use std::io::{Result, Write};

pub trait Fizzy {
    fn fizzy(&self, writer: &mut impl Write) -> Result<()>;

impl<T> Fizzy for T
    T: PrimInt + Zero,
    T: std::fmt::Display,
    fn fizzy(&self, writer: &mut impl Write) -> Result<()> {
        let zero = T::zero();
        let three = T::from(3).unwrap(); // These will never fail
        let five = T::from(5).unwrap();
        match (*self % three, *self % five) {
            (x, y) if x == zero && y == zero => writeln!(writer, "FizzBuzz"),
            (x, _) if x == zero => writeln!(writer, "Fizz"),
            (_, x) if x == zero => writeln!(writer, "Buzz"),
            _ => writeln!(writer, "{}", self),

fn main() {
    let mut out = std::io::stdout();
    if let Err(error) = (1..=100).try_for_each(|x| x.fizzy(&mut out)) {
        println!("IO Error Writing to Stream: {}", error)

With those small changes we've added mutable references, iterators, and error handling to the list of features this little program can demonstrate. Was any of it necessary? Not at all! Our final output is no different than the first program composed of if-else statements. But it's always fun to start with a trivial program and think up ways to transform it into something that makes me feel like I'll one day earn the title of "Rustacean".

Update - Why no Love for Enum?

After posting this code onto the r/rust subreddit, the most common feedback I got was along the lines of "why are you passing strings around/writing directly to stdout, make an enum and use that instead." This somewhat surprised me because my first pass at writing this code did use an enum with an associated value, and the feedback for that code was "the enum is unnecessary if all you'll ever do is print the output, just print it directly to stdout." These conflicting feedbacks have helped me spawn my own definition for truly idiomatic Rust:

"The most idiomatic Rust is whatever code you did not write, but somebody else has decided you should."


Not one to disappoint, however, lets write a final Fizzbuzz that forgoes our custom trait in favor of an enum that implements std::fmt::Display!

use num_traits::{identities::Zero, PrimInt}; // 0.2.14
use std::fmt;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum FizzbuzzResult<T> {

impl<T> fmt::Display for FizzbuzzResult<T>
    T: fmt::Display,
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        match *self {
            FizzbuzzResult::Fizz => write!(f, "Fizz"),
            FizzbuzzResult::Buzz => write!(f, "Buzz"),
            FizzbuzzResult::FizzBuzz => write!(f, "FizzBuzz"),
            FizzbuzzResult::Num(ref val) => write!(f, "{}", val),

fn fizzbuzz<T>(num: T) -> FizzbuzzResult<T>
    T: PrimInt + Zero,
    T: Copy + Clone,
    let zero = T::zero();
    // These will never fail
    let three = T::from(3).expect("Could not convert '3' to generic type");
    let five = T::from(5).expect("Could not convert '5' to generic type");

    match (num % three, num % five) {
        (x, y) if x == zero && y == zero => FizzbuzzResult::FizzBuzz,
        (x, _) if x == zero => FizzbuzzResult::Fizz,
        (_, x) if x == zero => FizzbuzzResult::Buzz,
        _ => FizzbuzzResult::Num(num),

fn main() {
    for x in 1..=100 {
        println!("{}", fizzbuzz(x))

This code has a few distinct advantages, but the main ones are you only ever return an enum that lives on the stack, and testing no longer involves string comparison, but instead compares the returned enum to the expected type (This is why PartialEq is derived for FizzbuzzResult). On the flip side, we now have two match comparisons: one to generate the enum and one to display it, whereas our first attempt has only one.

At this point I don't know which of these options is more idiomatic, but I do know now that I've written them down, somebody is going to come in with a third option claiming it's superior to both ๐Ÿ˜„.